
Dyed In Grey, Binary Code, Impossible Voyage, Autocatalytica

Saint Vitus
Thu May 28 8pm Ages: 21+
AutocatalyticaBinary CodeDyed In GreyImpossible Voyage

About Dyed In Grey, Binary Code, Impossible Voyage, Autocatalytica

Autocatalytica is a metal project put together by Eric Thorfinnson, the ex-Lead Guitarist/songwriter of the Late Ex-Kathedra. After assembling the first album "Circadian Rhythms" alone in early 2009, Eric Moved to boston to attend Berklee College of Music. Since then he has recruited members to fill out the spaces originally occupied by himself and computers, allowing Autocatalytica to evolve into a full-fledged armageddon factory. The group is currently shedding away at their yet to be named EP and will be playing shows again in the spring of 2011 as well as releasing siad EP by this June.

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