About "The Rivals"

"The Rivals ": A Romantic Comedy of Errors

The AlphaNYC Theater Company presents "The Rivals", a spirited comedy of manners that was first performed in the 1700s, but has lost none of its appeal in the ensuing centuries. At the time of its debut, the play caused a furor for its bawdiness and wicked sense of humor, but 18th-century audiences eventually came to adore the comedy, and it became a favorite with the royal family. Now it's your turn to fall in love with this lighthearted tale of mischief and romance in the fashionable town of Bath. Lydia, who has read entirely too many romance novels, is being wooed by Jack, a nobleman who pretends to be a poor soldier in order to sweep her off her feet. They want to elope, but the moralistic Mrs. Malaprop, who acts as her chaperone, and two rival suitors stand in the way. After many twists, turns, mistaken identities and proposed duels to the death, everyone comes together for a happy ending at the Corner Office NYC Theater.
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