
Holy Ghost! with Love Tempo

Good Room
Sat Jul 22Sun Jul 23 10pm Ages: 21+
Holy Ghost!

About Holy Ghost! with Love Tempo

Over nearly a decade, Holy Ghost! have gone from being DFA???s rising sons to triple threats. They are indefatigable DJs. They???re producers frequently recruited to remix new life into tracks like Cut Copy???s ???Hearts on Fire,??? LCD Soundsystem???s ???Drunk Girls,??? and even Katy Perry???s ???Birthday.??? And they???re inventive musicians who???ve released countless original singles (such as 2010???s critically lauded ???Hold On???) and albums (beginning with 2010???s Static on the Wire EP). They are once again adding to their thinking-man???s dance repertoire with their latest release Crime Cutz EP.


Holy Ghost! - Hold On

video:Holy Ghost! - Hold On

Holy Ghost! "Wait & See" (Official Video) - DFA RECORDS

video:Holy Ghost!
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