
"Burlesque Sail" Aboard the Clipper City Tall Ship

About "Burlesque Sail" Aboard the Clipper City Tall Ship

"Burlesque Sail" Aboard the Clipper City Tall Ship

Leave your inhibitions on dry land and set sail onto uncharted waters of seduction and fun with "Burlesque Sail" -- a scintillating burlesque and variety show aboard New York's Clipper City Tall Ship. "Burlesque Sail" takes you through the high seas of irresistible music, dancers and drinks as the burlesque series caters unique and tantalizing theme nights. "Night of the Ye-Ye Girl" brings on the go-go fun of '60s mod with British pop and '60s garage rock with performances from Rosie Cheeks, Jenny Rocha and DJ Saiko Mikan. However, if purring and relaxing is more your style, get on board with singing-siren Shelly Watson with "Cat's Pajamas" -- where the dress code is either cat or pajamas or both. Closing the series is "Jazz Age Blue Moon Sail" where you'll sail underneath the romantic moonlight with Hazel Honeysuckle, Lily Faye and Odette Coquette while DJ Vavavoon spins dance music from the '30s and '40s. Summer just got hotter with this ship.
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