
Band Of Lovers

Band of Lovers

About Band Of Lovers

After four years of life on the road comes Band of Lovers' sophomore album ???American Tour." Its Americana aesthetic and chamber pop harmonies, born through the tests of constant motion and influences like Brian Wilson and the Zombies, started incubating when the band formed in 2013.

Dave Strumfeld, lead songwriter, singer, and guitarist, had been writing songs since childhood, but he credits this music to life on tour and his creative partnership with longtime friend Sabina Beachdell. ???We???ve tried every incarnation of friendship, and the strongest one for us is this???traveling the country and turning that into music together.???

Lyricist, singer, and ukulele player in the band, Beachdell came up with the group???s moniker in 2013, heavily influenced by her solo travels. ???Meeting so many people around the country, I kept coming back to love???everyone is a lover. It???s the one thing we all have in common, and I feel like we should band together around it.???

This is precisely what drew Liliana Urbain???percussionist and singer???to the group. ???I???d never seen a project so driven by this belief in love and art, and the call of the road. It was intoxicating.??? So much so that after meeting by chance at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville in 2014, the trio decided to join forces. It was the same way they made most of their decisions??? boldly, rashly, and without looking back.

???I flew out to join them on tour at the beginning of 2016, and tour turned out to be eleven months on the road non-stop. They had half an album written and studio time booked in Woodstock that May. We had no idea what would happen.???

What did happen was a whirlwind: love, heartbreak, copious amounts of songwriting, adventures, depression???some of the deepest highs and lows the band members had seen, apart or together.

All the while, the constants of the road and the music kept them going. ???Anthem,??? the album???s lead single and first track, became their warrior cry to the motion. ???Long Day, Late Night??? acknowledged how tired they???d become. "Carry You??? rallied around the drive and the minimalist nature of it all. Together they chronicled heartache and triumphs, the call of the west and their own personal dreams.

Now in their fourth year on the road, the band is growing up and pushing onward. Their sophomore album ???American Tour??? is slated for release on June 2, 2017. True to form, they???re embarking on a five-month tour to hand deliver the album to nearly every corner of the country.

It???s music meant for motion. Take it with you- it'll keep you company when the wanderlust kicks in and the open road awaits.

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