
Andrew Mancilla

Andrew Mancilla

About Andrew Mancilla

Songwriting for Andrew began at an early age and continues to be his primary reason for playing music. ???It???s the ability to express yourself and simultaneously inspire people, offer a new perspective on an issue, and remind them of how beautiful and exciting life is.??? Driven by the idea of constant change and creativity, ???It???s amazing to me how I can listen to a song and by the end of it feel like I just woke from a life-changing dream.???

Engaged in music from a young age, Andrew continues to explore and challenge himself musically. As a child he learned to play the baritone and trumpet, dabbled with piano, and in his teenage years picked up the guitar and began recording demo tapes to give to his friends. He became involved in musical theater in his later high school years but turned back to songwriting and performing in college where he majored in philosophy and minored in vocal jazz.

In addition to pursuing a legal career, Andrew committed himself to pursuing his music career. During his time at law school he re-taught himself piano and wrote his first solo record entitled ???STATIC.??? While preparing to record STATIC, Andrew met Snarky Puppy???s Michael League, who agreed to co-produce the record. ???I remember meeting Mike and our first sit down I asked him if he wanted me to go walk him through the charts. He goes, ???No, just play.??? I did, and I listen to him hit every change, and with this unbelievable musical charisma I???ve never heard before, I???m thinking ???damn, he has that thing that made me fall in love with music.??? After the first chorus I stopped playing and asked him to produce the record with me.???

After graduating law school, Andrew embarked on his music and legal careers. Andrew released ???Static??? on September 18, 2010. Since the release, Andrew has played throughout New York City. ???I imagine having two careers isn???t easy for anyone, but I don???t really think of it that way. It???s what I love, so I don???t really consider it ???work,??? I just do it.???

Over the next four years Andrew released a series of singles: ???Come on Baby,??? ???Carried Away,??? ???I???m Ready,??? and ???Tonight,??? produced by Michael League and featuring many of the musicians in Snarky Puppy. Andrew then met and began working with a 2016 Grammy-award winner, Dominic Fallacaro, who produced singles ???Science,??? ???Carry You Home,??? and ???Hearts Cadence.???

On May 3, 2014, Andrew released ???THE ARTIST,??? a multi-genre rock-opera about a serial killer for the mob who gets arrested, testifies against the mob, and enters the witness protection program. ???I pushed myself musically with writing his record. Many of my influences can be heard on this record, from Coheed and Cambria and Nirvana to Frank Sinatra and Bon Iver. Dominic was able to transform my demos into this breathtaking sonic journey. He???s a genius. I???m so unbelievably lucky to work with someone of his caliber.???

Andrew???s recent record ???Subtractive Color,??? set to be released May 20, 2017, completely changes his musical direction. Harnessing a lush electro-pop sonic landscape, catchy phrases, and high energetic danceable rhythms, Andrew???s new sound represents yet another leap as an artist. Produced by Dominic Fallacaro, the electrifying energy of ???Subtractive Color??? contains songs about love at first sight, unstoppable romance, radiating desire, toxic relationships, and heartbreak. ???I wanted to make people feel the way I felt when I first heard Prince???s ???I Wanna Be Your Lover,??? like you???re suspended in intoxicating love. I wanted to capture a feeling. That unstoppable and unrestricted joy that gives you that music high. I balanced those tunes with songs about some of the darker aspects of relationships, and about learning from those missteps. Ultimately, this record is about fun, love, and youthful excitement, and the spectrum of color you can create from those ideas. It???s about taking a limited set of emotions and creating a broad spectrum of vividly intense ones. Thus, the title ???Subtractive Color.???

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