
AFROTAINO SUMMER BASH featuring Agudos Clef, ??Aparato!, Buyepongo, Calma Carmona, Pi??lago, Christian Martir

C'mon Everybody
Thu Jul 13 8pm Ages: 21+
??Aparato!Agudos ClefBuyepongoCalma CarmonaChristian MartirPi??lago

About AFROTAINO SUMMER BASH featuring Agudos Clef, ??Aparato!, Buyepongo, Calma Carmona, Pi??lago, Christian Martir

Agudos clef is a Hip-Hop/ World Music duo composed of Josue Lora and Peter "Nota G" Rodriguez. Both artists are of Dominican decent but currently reside in Central NJ where they launch their debut Album "Teoria". The album can be best described into three words; Thoughts, views and feelings." Since their album release Agudos clef has been touring the East Coast performing at several music festivals such as the Latin Alternative Music conference and Nuevofest.

Jazz theorists have postulated that there are two rhythms to ordinary life -- the pedestrian, surface beat -- the pattering of shoes on concrete, the passerby chatting with their neighbors, and beneath that, a counter-rhythm -- one that speaks to what???s really going on inside people???s hearts and minds.

??Aparato!???s music ??? crafted by two formally trained Chican@ musicians ??? undoubtedly captures the latter: it speaks of wounds, of open gaps between physical spaces, like the US-Mexico border (in ???Murolismo???), or the distance between loneliness and feeling loved (in ???Aire???). With a sound that is at once pegajoso and penetrating, that mixes post-punk with the ethereal, this trio transports listeners to other realms.

As young Chican@s, these bandmates understand what it???s like to feel in-between: English and Spanish, California and Mexico, and friends and family. Guitarist Alexandro D. Hern??ndez Guit??rrez defines himself as a ???Tejano-Fronterizo Michoacano San Quilmense Angelino born in Chinatown??? and raised in Del Rio, Texas. His exquisite beats are pan-African but combine traditional Mexican styles with progressive rock. Vocalist and guitarist Cat brings a feminist cry to the group???s sound, but unlike the wail of her punk foremothers, Cat???s voice is unabashedly feminine, with a strong underpinning of alto resolve.

The meaning of the band???s name -- ??Aparato! -- or Machine! in English (taken from a Cafe Tacvba song), stands in stark contrast to what the group offers: a cry to feel things deeply, to let go of all terrestrial limitations, routines, and simply be held up by air.

??Aparato!???s music evokes something in the collective memory of all people -- the counter narrative, the quejido, the story untold but always present. In Cat???s voice there is an unflinching confrontation with pain, the protest of a Maria Lando, the female immigrant speaker in ???Kriminal???, the steadfast power of a strong woman while Hernandez Gutierrez provide's an artful reminder that life goes on even in the face of deep pain, even when we???re not ready.

Buyepongo is a classic story of friends coming together out of their passion for creating, learning, and playing music. From back yard barbecues to late night garage jam sessions. These friends found themselves improvising hours on end utilizing all their musical influences. So in-tuned with one another the idea of forming a band was a natural progression.
Growing up as young Latinos in Southern California, Buyepongo were not only exposed to the music of their culture, they were also exposed to music of the time. From sample driven underground hip-hop to classic reggae to jazz and funk. Buyepongo have explored many worlds of rhythm and sound. "It's a heavy sound but without the distortion. It's got a gritty beat but without the vinyl sample, it's got that classic feel but with a modern twist", states a loyal fan.
With deep roots in South and Central America, Buyepongo draw heavily from the Latino musical culture. Taking their cues from traditional "roots" music of Colombia, Haiti, Belize, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Buyepongo create a very vibrant polyrhythmic sound by seamlessly fusing merengue, punta, and cumbia. The group's pulse and power is built around the drum and guacharaca (pronounced: wah cha rah ca) giving them an upbeat tropical flare.
Some members have traveled to other countries to study with musical legends. Other members have been schooled in a traditional setting. Buyepongo as a whole contribute years of rigorous practice and dedication to their musicianship. They have taken all their influences and carefully honed in on their craft.
Staying true to their mission of making the world dance, Buyepongo released a self-produced limited edition 4 song EP. The cover art features a lino cut design that makes for a treasured collectable. The group's first official single, "Pa' Belize" saw distribution in Europe, United States, and Japan in October 2011. Buyepongo is now in the final stages of production for their full-length debut album Todo Mundo. The debut is slated for a Fall 2015 release.
The group has shared the stage with both local and international touring acts including; Quantic (UK), Ondatropica(Colombia), Ozomatli(US), Booker T(US), Celso Pi??a(Mexico), Os Mutantes(Brazil), Sister Nancy(Jamaica), Dead Prez(US), Cut Chemist(US), Beatnuts(US), Sharon Jones and the Keystones(US), Antibalas(US) and Punta Cartel(Honduras).
Buyepongo is an infectious sonic explosion of blaring horns and syncopated accordion licks. Tight booming bass lines transcend you from the inner city, to a sunny island surrounded by a blue ocean. Your soul then succumbs to the slaps of the conga as you become hypnotized by the melodious harmonies being sung. You are now in a tropical haven. Get Ready To Dance!

The product of a nomadic existence, Calma Carmona's musical background is as varied as the different cities where she lived and grew up. After seeing the world, she absorbed the aspects that appealed to her sensibilities and took the road that led her to the stage of Caf?? Seda in Old San Juan in 2007. With the musical maturity she has gained in the last few years, Calma Carmona now aims to break with traditional patterns and create songs in her own way. As she said, "What I have always done well is express myself, that's what fulfills me. I don't want to do what everyone says I need to do".

With her music denominated as Latin Soul, Calma Carmona has a display of influences ranging from Sade, Theolonious Monk and Santana, Ismael Rivera, Al Green, even PJ Harvey, La Lupe and Tina Turner. Her sound is painted with subtlety and passion, seeking to attract listeners with every verse and chorus. In all the cities she has walked on, Calma has had the opportunity to digest local and musical vibrations. As a gypsy moving from place to place, the artist she is today is now looking to share everything with her audience. It is with this desire in mind that Calma climbs on stage each night, seeking to turn spectators into believers with magic and intensity of her Latin Soul. "I give myself on stage. It is where I want to be," said the artist.

In August 2013, Calma was voted MTViggy (previously known as MTVworld) Artist of the week. Late September 2013, Mun2 exclusively launched Calma???s first EP ???There's No Other Girl???, recorded live and produced by herself and her manager/producer Anthony Elizo as well as team of close friends. Calma feels that to launch her debut as a live recording clearly shows that she has nothing to hide. After years of training in the streets, the EP marks the culmination of her musical experience in Puerto Rico and gives us just a small glimpse into the wide variety of influences that inspire the singer. "That's the fun part," said the interpreter 'Pa 'Que Te Quejas', "After this I can take any route. Just three days after Calma???s EP launch, she was chosen to open for Beyonce???s ???Mrs. Carter World Tour??? in Puerto Rico. Its evident Calma???s arrival has made quite some noise in both the Latin and the U.S industry. Calma is now left only with the memory of a young rookie, and instead we have an artist determined to captivate us over and over once she's on stage, the world???s stage.

Pi??lago es un grupo de reggae con base en Puerto Rico fundado a mediados del 2013 por Joseph Ojeda, David Sanchez, Josue Depat y Benson Pagan. Con deseos de concretar una propuesta innovadora y fresca estos j??venes comienzan un proceso creativo de desarrollar un repertorio muy intencionado; la industria musical para en el siglo 21 demanda mucho tiempo, paciencia y dinero sin la garant??a de que suceda algo positivo al final del camino. Con esto en mente Pi??lago comienza a desarrollar su propuesta con ritmos y acordes dulces y elegantes y liricas amenas a las cotidianidades que se pueden presentar d??a a d??a.

Tras algunos meses de pre producci??n Pi??lago decide grabar su primer Corte Promocional titulado "Sin Ti" en el Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico. El mismo fue grabado en audio y video en vivo y gestionado 100% de manera independiente por el grupo. El tema fue seleccionado por el blog Dise??ado en Puerto Rico como parte de las 20 canciones destacada en la m??sica Independiente junto a grandes artistas como: ??ndigo, Juan Pablo D??az, Tito Auger, Fofe y los Fetiches entre otros. El sencillo abri?? las puertas para que el grupo hiciera sus primeras presentaciones en la isla con muy buena acogida.
Para comienzos del 2014 el joven grupo se da la tarea de grabar sus primeros cortes en el estudio de grabaci??n y con la mente en hacer cosas de la mejor calidad posible el grupo acude a Playbach Studios en Puerto Nuevo, la cuna de grandes ??xitos de artistas como Calle 13, Cultura Prof??tica, Los Cafres entre otros. El primer corte de esta serie de grabaciones titulado Somos Mas fue masteriado en el legendario estudio de grabaci??n Abbey Road Studios en Londres y se lanzo el 20 de Junio 2014.

El Grupo actualmente est?? trabajando y afinado su propuesta semana a semana con futuras presentaciones y un segundo corte promocional para el verano y oto??o 2014 y espera poder presentar su primera producci??n para el 2015.

Born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and now residing in New York City, Christian M??rtir likens himself to a renaissance man. As founder of the Rice & Beans Sound System, he has played and spread his love for Latin and Afro-Caribbean rhythms and culture. He holds a residency at his monthly "Pa'lante! NYC" at Apt 78 in Washington Heights where he plays from his vinyl collection grounded in the sounds of the Afro-Caribbean and its diaspora, especially from the Nuyorican sounds of the 1960s-70s. This era saw the birth of Fania Records, who are sponsors and supporters of the night.


Agudos Clef Ft Hache St - Lunes/Vive (Official Video)

video:Agudos Clef Ft Hache St - Lunes/Vive (Official Video)


video:??Aparato! -

Buyepongo - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

video:Buyepongo - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
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